My Favorite Simple, Clean Eating Recipe!

Simple, fast and healthy…oh did I forget affordable? These are four key words that make me ecstatic when I’m cooking or looking for new recipes to try. The meal I am about to share with you has become a staple in my meal planning, and was inspired by my roommate, Renee. Let me introduce you to Cauliflower Fried Rice.

Now I am not sure about you, but I tried food processing cauliflower florets one time, and it created the biggest kitchen mess of all time. Thankfully, my favorite grocery store, Trader Joe's, now has Cauliflower Rice already pre-chopped and ready to go. The other great thing about Trader Joe’s is that it has pre-cut mixed vegetables (broccoli, bell peppers, mushrooms, carrots, onions etc.) saving you from extra dish washing and time spent chopping various veggies to put in your rice mix. The only other ingredients you need? A little sesame oil, soy sauce, garlic and of course, eggs, to get some protein in the mix. Just imagine this recipe as the healthy version of Benihana’s fried rice. 

This is one of those recipes where I just wing it. First, I get a large pan and put it over medium heat with some sesame oil (about a tablespoon), chopped garlic, and then dump in the mixed veggies. I cook the veggies down for about 5 minutes and then I dump in the bag of cauliflower rice. While those cooking, I grab another pan and scramble about 3-4 eggs. Once the eggs are cooked I mix it in with the cauliflower and veggie mix and cook it for about another 5 minutes, while adding a couple tablespoons of soy sauce. I wouldn’t recommend dumping the whole bottle of soy sauce on the mixture, but rather adding it in stages to see if you like the taste/flavor. If you add too much it’ll be soggy. After a little taste test your cauliflower fried rice is good to go. Bon Appetite!

P.S. If you’re not in a daring mood and are looking for a little more guidance, just click this link to find a great starter recipe as a guide for your first time around!