

If any of you know me personally, you are fully aware that I am suffering from patellofemoral pain syndrome (aka runners knee). Long story short, I got this disorder from overuse (too much running, jumping etc.) and knees that don’t track straight. I do physical therapy like it’s my job (no joke), but haven’t seen the improvements I was hoping for. As an athlete and someone who actually enjoys working out and running (weird right?), this has been devastating for me.  I decided to resort to something that entailed overcoming my fear of needles: acupuncture.

I think it’s important to understand the basics of this ancient health practice that dates back thousands of years. I am going to break it down for you plain and simple.

What the heck is it?

Accupuncture is believed to regulate energy flow, also known as Qi (pronounced chee), which is essential for good health. Through stimulation (aka poking needles in your skin) at various anatomical locations, acupuncture can correct any imbalances or disruptions of the Qi.

Does it hurt?

Fortunately, acupuncture is painless! The needs are so small you don’t even feel them being put in.

Needle Size

What can acupuncture treat?

Acupuncture doesn’t only treat pain. This practice has been known to help with anything from allergies and insomnia to fertility enhancement or anxiety. You would be surprised at the long list of things acupuncture can treat.

Fun fact!

Acupuncture is over 5,000 years old and is one of the oldest practicing forms of medicine known to date.


To be quite honest, I truly enjoyed acupuncture. Not only did my knees feel better, but also my appointment was extremely relaxing. The acupuncturist dimmed the lights and played meditation music, which isn’t a bad way to spend a lunch break in my opinion.  If you are like me and want to avoid cortisone shots or taking Excedrin for every migraine, acupuncture might be a great alternative to consider. If you try it, let me know how you liked it!